Encrypted Storage


XELIS Wallet is a fully encrypted wallet that stores all sensitive data in an encrypted form. This includes the private keys, the transaction history, and the account balances.

The wallet uses the XChaCha20-Poly1305 (opens in a new tab) authenticated encryption algorithm to encrypt the data. This algorithm is based on the ChaCha20 stream cipher and the Poly1305 message authentication code.

A salt and an nonce is also added to the encryption process to ensure the uniqueness of ciphertexts and hashed values.

It is built on top of the Sled embedded database, which is a modern embedded database that is designed to be fast and reliable.

A master key is generated for each wallet database, and this key is used to encrypt/decrypt the data. The master key is random and is not linked to the user's password. The user password is derived in a secure way to generate a key (using Argon2id) that is used to encrypt or decrypt the master key to access to the wallet database.

This way, the user can change the password without having to re-encrypt the entire database.

None of your data is stored in plain text, and the wallet is designed to be secure and private.