Integrated Address


Nowadays, it is common to have a unique address for each user on a service like a centralized exchange or a wallet provider. This address is used to send and receive transactions, solo mine, see the history on explorer, or to simply communicate on-chain.

XELIS provide the ability to have an integrated address, which is a wallet address with data integrated in the address directly.

This is the same way as an integrated address on Monero with payment ID, but with more possibilities as in our case, you can include any type of data.

How it works

If you want to send a transaction to someone with an integrated address, the wallet will automatically encrypt the data and inject it in the extra_data field of the transaction.

The integrated data is:

  • of any data type
  • must support JSON encoding/decoding for easy manipulation.

A query system is also integrated in the wallet database to make research like in a traditional database across all transactions and more.

Please refer to Extra Data for more information about how this data is securely transmitted.


Exchanges can use this to identify a deposit, a shop can include shipping information in the address, a service can include a unique identifier to identify a user, a user can include a message to send to someone, etc.

The possibilities are endless and it's up to you to decide what you want to include in the address.


The data included in an integrated address is limited to 1 KiB only because maximum size of extra_data field in a transfer is 1 KiB.

  • You cannot use an integrated address to send a transaction, it's only for receiving funds.
  • The address marked as the signer / sender of the transaction will be the wallet address.
  • It is not possible to solo mine with an integrated address, you need to use the wallet address.

Please note that you can't track the exact history of a specific integrated address on the explorer, as it's not a unique address but a way to include data easily in a transaction. The history of an integrated address will be the same as the wallet address.